TSNIS – 第五屆第1次年會暨會員大會宣佈事項及報名表 (5/4晚上病例討論會 歡迎所有會員提供案例投稿)

(課程通知)3/31 TSNIS 頸動脈訓練認證課程及腦缺血性疾病手術Workshop
2 月 20, 2024
TSNIS 年會論文獎公告
4 月 8, 2024


時間:2024年05月04日(星期六) 09:00-21:00
           2024年05月05日(星期日) 09:00-16:30
今年年會晚宴後 5/4  19:30-21:00的case discussion 歡迎所有會員提供案例投稿
餐廳介紹:  http://g.co/kgs/8JFLVrT
秘書處將安排登記 以便討論交流
秘書處 敬上

Day 1 (2024/5/4) AM  會前會

放射師專場(2024/5/4 09:30-10:30) Moderator:蘇亦昌、張哲肇
Time Topic Speaker
09:30-09:50 放射師在複合式手術室扮演之角色:中榮神外經驗分享 林哲豪(台中榮總)
09:50-10:10 臨床放射師如何提升自我價值 趙瑞斌(奇美醫院)
10:10-10:30 神經介入放射師:可信賴的EVT助手 黃逸君(雙和醫院)
10:30-10:50  Coffee break
新生代專場(2024/5/4 10:50-11:50) Moderator:黃致遠、楊宜曉
Time Topic Speaker
10:50-11:10 Strategies of endovascular coiling in CSDAVF with different shunting patterns 陳國瑋(台大醫院)
11:10-11:30 Rethinking of cerebral blood flow hemodynamic after EC-CI bypass: the hypothetical mechanisms of hyperperfusion syndrome 謝博全(土城長庚)
11:30-11:50 Radial approach for endovascular thrombectomy 陳悅生(高雄長庚)
經驗傳承特別演講(2024/5/4 11:50-12:20) Moderator:崔源生
Time Topic Speaker
11:50-12:20 The career of interventional neuroradiology: past, present, and future? 鄭建明(香港外科醫學院院士)


2024 台灣神經血管外科與介入治療醫學會年會

Day 1 (2024/5/4) PM

13:00-13:30 Registration
13:30-13:40 Opening remark 崔源生理事長
Section I: Moyamoya(2024/5/4 13:40-14:50) Moderator :陳春忠、許世偉
Time Topic Speaker
13:40-14:05 5-year interim results of AMORE study Satoshi Kuroda(Toyama University Hospital, Japan)
14:05-14:30 bypass surgery for moyamoya disease Satoshi Kuroda(Toyama University Hospital, Japan)
14:30-14:50 The use of magnetic resonance imaging Noninvasive Optimal Vessel Analysis in moyamoya disease patients with combined revascularization 莊銘榮(高雄長庚)
14:50-15:10  Coffee break
Section II: Aneurysm(2024/5/4 15:10-16:50) Moderator :陳旭照、李崇維
Time Topic Speaker
15:10-15:30 Mastering the art of open surgery of cerebral aneurysm 沈炯祺(台中榮總)
15:30-15:50 Update on flow diverters for the endovascular management of cerebral aneurysms 黃浩輝(林口長庚)
15:50-16:10 Challenging aneurysm: How I do it? 陳春忠(中醫大附醫)
16:10-16:30 Challenging aneurysm: How I rescue it? 賴彥君(亞東醫院)
16:30-16:50 Challenging aneurysm: How I rescue it? 許世偉(高雄長庚)
17:30-22:00  Banquet & Case sharing


Day 2 (2024/5/5) AM

Section III: Keynote speech-1 (08:30-10:00) Moderator :崔源生、黃浩輝
Time Topic Speaker
08:30-09:00 Working in and around the anterior choroidal artery Timo Krings(Toronto Western Hospital, Canada)
09:00-09:30 Minimally symptomatic carotid disease Giuseppe Lanzinox (Mayo Clinic, USA)
09:30-10:00 Usefulness of a DeFrictor nano & BULL catheter Yasushi Matsumoto

(Tohoku University Hospital, Japan)

10:00-10:20  Coffee break
Section IV:  Keynote speech-2 (10:20-11:50) Moderator :蔡元雄、賴彥君
Time Topic Speaker
10:20-10:50 Embryological Considerations of Dural AVFs Michihiro Tanaka(Kameda Medical Center, Japan)
10:50-11:20 Treatment option of AVM with glue as liquid embolic agent Jeyaledchumy Mahadevan(Kuala Lumpur Pantai Hospital, Malaysia)
11:20-11:50 Pressure Cooker technique in embolization of Dural AVF and Brain Wai Lun Poon(Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong)
12:00-13:20 會員大會


Day 2 (2024/5/5) PM

Section V: Post-radiotherapy vasculopathy (13:20-15:00) Moderator :陳敬昌、林彥亨
Time Topic Speaker
13:20-13:40 Irradiation vasculopathy of carotid arteries – perpectives from a vascular neurologist 林浚仁(台北榮總)
13:40-14:00 Natural history of Post-radiotherapy carotid stenosis 崔源生(台中榮總)
14:00-14:30 Post-radiotherapy carotid endarterectomy 焦力群(宣武醫院)
14:30-15:00 PTAS of post-irradiated neurovascular stenosis 張豐基(台北榮總)
15:00-15:20  Coffee break
Section VI:  AVM & AVF (15:20-16:20) Moderator :蘇亦昌、崔祐堃
Time Topic Speaker
15:20-15:40 Hemodynamics of brain AVM 林重榮(台北榮總)
15:40-16:00 Long-term follow-up of complication in Gamma Knife treated AVM 潘宏川(台中榮總)
16:00-16:20 Challenging AVF: How I do it? 李崇維(台大醫院)
16:20-16:30 Closing remark 崔源生理事長



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